Selling your goods on eBay can be a very profitable exercise. People will often use eBay over searching the web to find your online store and it can become a pretty effective sales / marketing channel for your business if you spend a bit of time optimising and automating the process.
When I first started to use eBay I thought their fees were quite steep... but when I started comparing the return VS using Adwords or Facebook ads it really started to stack up. You pretty much pay 10% "ish" for a guaranteed sale. When using Adwords however you have to do a lot of hard work to get your campaigns up and ROI can vary depending a 100's of different factors.
Below I talk about a few ways to streamline the sales and marketing processes to your eBay customers.
eBay Sales Automation
If you already have a eCommerce store there are often plugins available to automatically load your products directly to eBay. WP-Lister for eBay is a great one for Woocommerce. But there are many others out there for different carts.
Not only do these plugin allow you to quickly load products but you can manage your listing templates, easily increase prices to cover eBay fees via it. It can take a bit of time to setup. But it will save you a lot of time in the long run.
You can often also sync the eBay orders and customers details back into your online store allowing you to manage all your orders in one place. This makes it a lot easier to manage and fulfil these orders.
eBay Marketing Automation
If you have setup your orders to sync back into your online store you will also receive the customers email address. Once you have their details you can then build a marketing workflow around these and try and drive them back to your online store. Once you have them in your cart you can often sync them pretty easily to a mailing list and start sending them some targeted emails.
Some follow up email ideas:
- Voucher for 10% off if they order direct next time
- Re-engagement workflows - Send a series of emails educating the user on your other products
- Customer satisfaction surveys - or just a simple "hey were you happy with your order, is there anything we could of done better"
BONUS: eBay retargeting ads... for FREE
Another cool thing I noticed about eBay is they also seem to spend money advertising / retargeting people who looked at your products. After setting up the store and doing a little testing I noticed eBay was retargeting me with ads featuring the product I added to my eBay cart.
Need help setting something like this up?
If you're looking for someone to help you implement a solution like this get in touch!