Cleverbean, an innovative ed-tech company, approached us with a common challenge: their existing HubSpot portal lacked structure and was not being utilized to its full potential. Specifically, they needed to revamp their Sales pipeline and import their list of schools (Companies) and teachers (Contacts), but the complexity of their data structure presented significant hurdles.

What they needed:

  • Cleaner data
  • A better way to identify prospects
  • Review and restructuring of Sales pipeline

How we got there:

  • Remapped their Sales process, including automation
  • Updated data structure prior to import
  • Set up segmentation by geographic location

The Solution

After thorough discovery sessions, we mapped out their data structure and segmentation needs. From there, we optimized Cleverbean’s Sales pipeline to minimize the amount of time the team had to spend manually manipulating Deals as they progressed through the pipeline.

It all starts with the data
Given the complexity of Cleverbean’s organizational relationships, including Parent Company and Child Company dynamics, we structured their data accordingly. Parent/Child was not the only consideration, there was another layer of complexity. We needed to account for Brother/Sister schools’ relationships  accommodating scenarios such as the NSW Department of Education, which has over 2,200 schools in total. Plenty of those schools are interconnected under the NSW Department of Education umbrella. It’s not hard to imagine how similar some of these schools could be in name to each other, as well as domain name, so getting the import correct was absolutely critical. To make sure we had it right, we meticulously organized spreadsheets and ensured the correct order of relationships (Parent / Child / Brother / Sister / Contact), ensuring data integrity and accuracy. Contacts!? Yup, we needed to make sure the correct teachers were associated with the right school system, too.

Segmentation Based on Geographic Location
What good is all of that data we imported if Cleverbean couldn’t segment and create lists? Recognizing the importance of targeted marketing, we designed and taught the Cleverbean team how to segment based on geographic location. This was a game changer as it ultimately gave Cleverbean the ability to tailor their outreach efforts far more effectively and efficiently than ever before.

Finally, the Deal pipeline
With the data and segmentation in place, we needed to make sure the Sales process ran smoothly once the schools and bookworms were on the hook! We began by configuring Sales Hub to suit Cleverbean’s unique requirements, combining some of the things they liked from their previous process and adding in our best practice recommendations for lead assignment and automation. We set up reminders and automation for each stage of the deal, including ‘Automated Lead Reminders’, ensuring no opportunity got overlooked in the hustle and bustle of trying to grow a business.

"We had an excellent experience working with to streamline our sales processes through HubSpot. Their dedication to setting up personalised systems and providing comprehensive training was incredible. Our collaboration on this project with Matt was phenomenal – he excelled at problem-solving, communication, offering clear explanations, and guiding us through each step to ensure the setup worked well for our business. Thanks to their expertise, we seamlessly set up our HubSpot systems and are now ready to use it effectively to attract customers and improve our business operations. Highly recommend this awesome team."

Lucy Chambers

The impact

Cleverbean’s new Sales Hub set up has empowered them to unlock the full potential of their HubSpot portal. By addressing their specific challenges and customizing the solution to meet their needs, Cleverbean is positioned for continued success in the ever growing ed-tech market.

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